Treating Customers Fairly

At Advance Platform we aim to work in partnership with every one of our customers, building lasting relationships that enable them to have trust and confidence in everything we do.

We believe quality service and innovations are equally important, so our business is continually developing to make sure we stay at the forefront of the financial services industry. We are transparent both in the way we provide our services and how we structure and present our fees.

Every member of our team is committed to:

  • acting with integrity at all times
  • treating our customers fairly, just as we would want to be treated ourselves
  • being friendly, courteous and responsive at all times
  • respecting our customer’s confidentiality
  • using terms that are clear, concise and easy to understand and keeping our communications ‘jargon’ free
  • accepting feedback as an opportunity to improve ourselves and our service

We aim to never make a mistake, but recognise that sometimes they do happen. If we do make a mistake, we will correct it at our cost, learn from it and put measures in place to ensure it is not repeated.

We consider the fair treatment of our customers in all that we do.

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